20/08/2011 21:53
Located in the Community 6, northwest of Medellin.
It consists of the headquarters, located in the race 78C No. 104F-78 in
the edge of Barrio Doce de Octubre, whose immediate neighbor terminal
Castilla buses Transport Company. The organization is
in a orientation meeting point of ideas and projects
development of students and parents and / or staff of caregivers
and staff, participating in a violent and destructive
introject justice and respect for citizens to community values
contribute to the project of man and woman who needs to Colombia,
Section of the State of Israel, located in the same area on Calle 110 N º 75 -
01 is in the border district of Florence, whose sphere of influence is dynamic

history of the institution dates in 1977, when he managed the creation
a secondary educational institution for the Barrio Santander, and was
then the Ministry of Education and Culture Department
Antioquia created sixth group served as an annex to
Liceo Diego Echevarria Masses Barrio Florencia.

On January 22, 1981 Departmental Decree 0093 gave birth to the legal
Institution and make the plant personnel, the director of the teachers and eight
the functioning of the six groups with a total of 307 students.

In 1984 the Lyceum began the year with 10 groups for a total of 436
This establishment was supported by the Community in 1984
before the lawsuit was necessary to expand school places sixth grade
increase in seven groups distributed as follows: 4 school groups
State of Israel and three groups in the classroom provided by the Community Action
Sauces Barrio Paris this time, the Lyceum is fragmented
into three parts. Head of State of Israel and the School of Paris So
ran the institution for three years.

In 1984, he was visited by supervisors
left many
recommendations on improving the physical plant, but
given its approval for studies. Note that at this time
Lyceum was a faculty committed to programs
training of students and maintain strong relationships with
the community.

In November 1986 the physical plant was opened in the heart of the Barrio
Santander, which lasted until March 17, 2000.
In 1989, he created the marketing arrangements and Human Sciences, the

that gave fame to the institution for academic improvement in 1990
approving the high school level with the two modalities.
The period between 1987 and 1992 can be called the era of
splendor of the Lyceum, the school and diversification
opened the doors to the Lyceum to train students in methods of
Marketing and Human Sciences, through which there was a real
projection of the Community School for their participation and integration in
social activities of the district and the neighboring places.

Young lived through the institution and develop the true values
projects in surrounding communities, through fair
promoted by them and guided by teachers and experienced it himself
corporate values ​​and running a newspaper is run by
Mode of Humanities, which has characterized so-called "Express Yourself
therefore, "as the body of the institution and continues until 1996
year in which the coordinator was removed and the continuation of this wonderful
project. Using this information, even some copies.

In 1990 he graduated the first class of Bachelors.

In 1994, he initiated to achieve a field
appropriate for the construction of a suitable place to develop the work

teaching marketing has worked well, it was a real
laboratory in which students engaged in accounting practices,
marketing and sales techniques of that time still students remember
their school as an opportunity that opened the door to take the field

In 1999 it merged with the center of the Official Adult High School Pedregal neighborhood,
and begins with three days of work.
The night he met with 244 students
enrolled, three professors of plant and other contract, divided into
cycles 1, 2, 3 and 4 of a total of eight groups.

On March 17, 2000 is the official presentation of the current physical plant, and
opens the first stage of the Lyceum. This achievement is mainly attributed to the
governance of the time Alfredo Luis Londoño, who with their dedication and
thrust is the dream of leaving a community of Barrio Santander
Liceo with all the space needed for the project Education
institutional vacuum that was always present, like the previous local
its anti-pedagogical spaces.

In 2001 he began working at the new headquarters of the present Rector, OMAR COST
PALACIOS and by resolution 5753 of July 27, 2001, recognizes
the school and spent the night CLEI different, and in the same

resolution amending the name of Liceo Santander, through the university
Santander, the presence of a degree, CLEI 2.

On November 17, 2002, through Resolution 16 235 applies
School links with the State of Israel, located at Calle 110 No. 75-01 and
as a result of this merger going to school at the Educational Institution
Barrio Barrio Santander Santander site and the headquarters of the section
State of Israel and is the official recognition from the year
2002 to the school district is authorized to Santander and the
is given in formal education levels of preschool
basic primary, secondary and academic education and formal
adult basic and primary school levels 1 and 2 cycle CLEI
Secondary 3 and 4 academic CLEI CLEI 5 and 6.

State Section of Israel has also undergone changes since its inception
started in 1972 as Integrated Urban School Republic
of Israel in 1996 by local agreement No. 19, renamed
Urbana School State of Israel.

At this point the teaching model was called ACTION-
PARTICIPATION, here all the actors committed to education
the construction of knowledge with students, and socialize through
meaningful experiences that are shared with the community.

The most important thing is to accustom the efforts to educate
search, development of research and reflection, because
active learning, learning is work.

This active methodology were carried out the following suggestions:
- Initiate a study, whenever possible, based on reality.
- Promote the conceptualization of students.
- Linking the study subjects with the realities of social life.
- Carry out adequate control of learning.
- To promote free labor.
- Foster teamwork.

In working with patterns, teaching methods and techniques used:
- Method of problems.
- Method of projects.
- Method of Research.
- Techniques of cases

the institution

The physical plant consists of three main blocks
one is administrative and the other two are 15 classrooms, a

has 2205 students, the Rector, 4 coordinators, 65

teachers, laboratory, two classrooms, ICT room and library open. They also have
large auditorium, modern arena and a restaurant in a very good industry
state. It is necessary to build a playground to improve
quality of life of children.

In the Status section of Israel has 12 classrooms, a space for the restaurant
school hall and playground.

Currently, the District Educational Institution Santander has the shape of the media
engineering design software, established by resolution 280 of November 14
2003, Media Technical Assistant in Web programming in collaboration with
SENA (agreement signed by the Secretary of Education of Medellin) of
2007 and grade point average student who do not choose the mode and
adult education in night shift.